I sat down two weeks ago and cranked out a large portion of the code we need in Notebook Ninja 2. I've revamped the system and made a few...modifications to the gameplay. :D
Firstly, this system is faster. A LOT faster. If I were to apply it to NN:E1, there would be 30-40 button presses instead of 12. Why you ask? Because you can see what's coming of course. A new battle system shows the current key you need to hit followed by a few (2-5) of the next keys to come. This basically means you already KNOW what's next, so I can throw buttons at you like mad. Think of it this way. Would you be able to play Guitar Hero, DDR, or Elite Beat agents if they only showed you one note/step at a time? It would be much slower....like NN:E1. NN:E2 should be faster and more bad ass ninja action!
Secondly, thy wish is my command! YES, you have health...of sorts (you wont lose first miss) and YES, there will be checkpoints. Well... maybe. For the length we hope to achieve there should be. Maybe on higher difficulties there will be less health/no checkpoints tho for those of us that are true ninja masters.
Lastly, the simple animation and silly humor has been replaced by EXTREME 3D GRAPHICS AND KILLER ROBOT MARSUPIALS! Not really though. Don't worry, Clark promised to deliver the same style of animation with the perfect mix of awesome ninja action and comedic elements. Although you guys may have to comment the shit out of this with some encouragement. He's not too excited to animate for hours on end while working and going to school full time, especially when I asked for more action to adopt the new gameplay... Come on Clark! We wants it! Please!?
good the first was way to short